I couldn't believe my ears when my son said that in his next birth he wants
me to be his mother again! He said that he will ask God whether he can choose his mom in his next birth or not, and if he can, then he will choose me. I was in tears. I remember his birth was the best gift to me ever but I remember those times when I just wanted to get away from him. Now, that I know how much he loves me I am scared that at some point I will have to cut the umbilical cord. I will have to do that as he will not need me as much he needs me now. Moreover, as a full time mom it will be very difficult for me to detach myself from him. Right now when I was preparing not so perfect but healthy banana wheat germ pan cakes I couldn't stop thinking about my son and our outings together.
Lately, we enjoyed our time at the beach during sunset. My son knows that I am fond of sunsets. What is so magical about that time? I wonder why every evening I look forward to seeing the sunset from my apartment. I sit with my cup and watch the ocean waves and reflection of golden orange sun on the surface of the ocean. Maybe sunset symbolizes the end of everything which starts. For me, I know over the years I will have to gradually and artfully detach and withdraw myself from my son's life.
Our Sunset Beach outing |
Sunset view from my apartment |
Banana wheat germ pan cakes |