Thursday, November 6, 2014

Pampering My Soul

Purposely, I decided to do nothing today. Nothing means - not going for any coffee mornings, not going to the gym, not dropping and picking my son (he will take the bus) or talking on the phone. I decided to spend the whole day with myself. Doing something I always wanted to do - stay at home quietly, with my silence and peace. Till now, I did great. 

I managed to do yoga, half an hour meditation and got one hour body massage from a Chinese lady (who couldn't speak english). I cooked simple food for myself (rice and yogurt with some spices) and drank lots of green tea. I feel, as if I had touched that part of my inner self which needed my attention. I had pampered my soul today by not exposing it out to the world and had filled it with positive energy. I had re-enforced the believe that I can achieve and live my dreams. 

I thought about how I will look when I grow really old. What can I do now, to make my retirement days more fruitful? Though, I didn't find any particular answer but was just pondering over these thoughts for a while. I thought about all the people who came and went in my life and I thanked them for being a part of my journey. 

From now, I will make an effort to take out days like today, where I can pamper my soul and listen to my inner thoughts. 

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