Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Stop, Cross, Do Not Start

Just before the dawn, when the night is at its darkest -  over sized full moon flooded my balcony. That sight was enough for my creative juices to over flow. After seeing off my son in the school bus, I stepped out with my camera. The first picture I took was of this sign board - Stop, Cross, Do Not Start

In Dubai I have noticed that mornings are always not easy. I observed people driving with tension (maybe they were cursing someone), some were walking with heavy heart towards their office/work, school kids sleeping in the bus with their unwashed faces hanging on the backrest. 

I wish we could come out of this rush and chaos and get these proper and clear signs (with buttons?!) to guide us. Before taking any decision we could check our inner selves. If I am not wrong we all had this ability as children. But with time and age we gradually loose it. Now if we stop and think and meditate we can probably awaken that. 

Well, that day I crossed that signal and walked towards the beach to chase and click the seagulls. They were not friendly as I wasn't carrying any food for them. But still I managed few shots after some tiring attempts. When I rested on the golden morning sand, my inner voice was saying not to cross that signal so soon and stay with nature for some more time. As I am not used to following that voice, I ignored, and went back to reality to see those dull faces hanging around me. But this time I walked back in trance to check those seagulls on my laptop. 

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